dimanche 22 juillet 2012


My second sculpt in fimo. I had made a couple of others mixed with green stuff tho.. The gun is from JBR (thanks again).If you don't know him, then you need to check his blog:
32 mm top of helmet (my sculpt, not JBR).

mercredi 18 juillet 2012

Killer bot

This one was made for the same company which will produce those vehicles (and possibly others):



This one was made for the same company which will produce those vehicles (and possibly others):



This one was made to go along those vehicles (and possibly others):


With finished backpack (and dust on the feet, sorry):

Next to Micropanzer, Critical Mass games and Rebel Minis models. Thanks to them for allowing me to use their products for comparison pictures.

Alien marine

Made out of this template:


Head from one of the "federation" (click on the label) sprues.


Alien marine

Every squad needs a grunt.

Made out of this template:


Head from one of the "federation" (click on the label) sprues.

Alien marine close combat specialist

Sometimes, you just need to fight enemies up close.

Made out of this template:


mardi 17 juillet 2012

Submachine guy

Gun has been slightly reworked since I took this picture. 16,5 mm top of helmet posed as it is. Should be like 18 or 18,5 mm if standing straight.

Here's a new montage as well as a pic next to Micropanzer SAS, Critical mass ARC, Peter Pig vietnam US marine and a contractor from Rebel Minis. Thanks again to those cool companies for letting me use their models.


Or just a rude guy...18 mm top of helmet.

Alien assassin

17,5 mm top of helmet posed as it is. Should be more like 20 if standing straight I think.

Just an alien

17, mm top of skull posed as it is.

Police bot

19,5 mm top of helmet.